
VersaPro is a fully automated booth that offers complete privacy in a heated, spa-like environment while still allowing you to completely customize your tan. Its state-of- the-art application technology features a height sensor for optimized coverage head to toe, and 3 integrated heat ports above each spray nozzle to keep you warm and dry throughout your session. The private yet open-air Sunless Spa design makes you feel comfortable and relaxed from start to finish. Never miss a beat with the step-by- step audio instructions and numbered feet placement that walk you through your entire session. (So you won’t end up like Ross on Friends!) VersaPro will leave you with a flawless, natural tan that you will love!

Customization Options:
Color Options:
- Pro Clear™ & Pro Bronzer
- Choose from 3 levels of color… light, medium, or dark.
- Formulated with Vitamin D3, Caffeine, Avocado Oil, and Anti-Aging ingredients
- Hydrates and nourishes skin during your session
- Clear formula goes on clear without instant cosmetic color.
- Bronze formula contains cosmetic bronzers for instant color.
- Great for all skin types and tones.
- Pro pH Balancer™
- Deeper, darker and more even tanning results
- Pre-Tan pH Balancing Treatment Application Formulated with Vitamin D3, Caffeine, Avocado Oil, and Anti-Aging ingredients
- Hydrates and balances pH levels for perfectly conditioned skin prior to the tanning application
- Ensures flawless results for all skin types and tones.
- Pro Moisturizer™
- Moisturizer is an add-on option that is applied at the end of the spray tan session for immediate hydration that will enhance your tan. Moisturizing is key to having a long lasting, natural-looking tan that will not fade too quickly.
- Don’t let your beautiful tan fade too soon. Look great up to 5 days later by adding Moisturizer to your in-salon spray tan session.
- Extra Leg Pass
- VersaPro’s Height Sense Technology uses auto height sensors that allow you to add an extra pass on just your legs.
- You may find a double leg pass beneficial if your legs aren’t as dark as the rest of your body. Also, if you anticipate shaving often you may want extra color on your legs since shaving naturally exfoliates your skin and causes your tan to fade quicker.
- Double Dark Session
- Equivalent to 2 full body sessions